What are Strip Tiles?
Strip Tile is home of the original antique mirror subway tile. Strip tile is all handmade antique mirror, made right here in the USA. Because strip tile is handmade antique mirror, you will find there is never a pattern repeat. Each and every tile is cut to size and sanded by hand in our shop. Each and every tile is one of a kind.
What about installation?
While the majority of strip tile is installed by a tile installer or contractor, it's roots were born in the DIY world. We've made it easy for the adventurous DIYer to install themselves. With our Mirror tape or Palmer Mirror mastic adhesive, anyone can install strip tile. Our mirror tape can be used if the walls are nice and flat. The mirror tape is 1/2" wide and very thin at 1/16'of an inch. The tape is black and can also serve as a camouflage to any seams. If your walls are not nice and flat, we recommend using the Mirror Mastic. A small swirl of this mastic on the back of each tile will allow you to compress the mirrors until they reach the perfect flushness. If the wall has any obvious dips in it, this is where you would apply more mastic to 'build out' the wall. Silicone should not be used on the backside of strip tiles. Silicone will deteriorate the backside of the mirror over time. Silicone can be used on the front side of the mirror to seal the space between a countertop and the tiles.
Which installation is easier?
Tape seemed like it would be the easiest installation method for our antique mirror tiles. After trying some creative installation techniques, we found the Mastic adhesive is actually the easiest. We find the tape sticks too well and makes it harder to remove or adjust a misplaced tile. For instance, you place a mirror on the wall and realize you didn't get it on as straight as you would like. The tape will likely stick so well to the painted wall that removing a tile might pull the paint and some drywall off with it. This shouldn't be a problem since it will be hidden by your tiles. We have found that the mastic method gives you a little more time to make adjustments. The mirror mastic allows you to place the mirror and slide it around into alignment, all while you compress the mastic. Mastic can also be combined with the tape. This installation allows you to use small amounts of tape, making it easier to remove if needed. The tape can be used on the wall where the seams will be, making them dissapear.
Mastic can be purchased here in installation supplies. Our mastic is the professional grade of liguid nails for mirrors you might find at your hardware store. Adhesives bought at your hardware store should not be used with our antique mirror. Over the counter adhesives could damage the backing of the mirror.
What is a mixed set?
Our Collection of Mixed Sets are made up of 4-5 different antique mirror patterns. Mixing various patterns adds that extra little character and personality. Having a hard time deciding which tiles to mix? We offer some of our personal favorite combos in our Collection of Mixed sets. Each mixed set was hand picked and created by Founder of strip tile, Leslie Inniss.
Can I make my own mixed set?

What size do they come in?
Standard size strip tiles are 4"x 8", 4" x 12", 6" x 12" and 12" x 12". Each strip tile is cut by hand, please inquire about custom size orders for a minimal upcharge. The smaller the tile, the more labor they are to cut! We have seen so many unique sizes- 3" x 10", 6" x 8" and 3"x 14" were some favorites.
Do I have to grout the mirror tiles?
Grout is optional with strip tile. If grout is used, make sure it is a non-sanded grout to avoid scratching the aged glass mirror tiles. We prefer to install the mirrors with no spacing or grout joint. As DIYer's, we were intimidated by grout. Grouting sounded out of our league, grout isn't something we are used to. As an alternative we have found dark Wood puddy makes a good filler if you want a grout-less installation, but have small spaces to fill. Simply fill in the small spaces using your finger to push the buddy in. Wipe any extra off the mirror with a damp microfiber or paper towel. Painting the wall a dark color will also hide any small spaces.
Will I have to cut the strip tiles?
The tiles will come pre-cut to the size ordered- 4" x 8" for example. You will also receive some smaller tiles 4" x 4" for starter pieces. There will likely still need to be some cutting around outlets and the top and end pieces. Professional glass cutters are available, but take some practice to use. The simplest way to make nice straight cuts is with a score and snap tile cutter. We like the Rubii tile cutter available at Home Depot. To extend the life of the scoring wheel, use a glass cutting oil or any oil from your pantry, and brush it on to the mirror where you will be cutting.
Do you accept returns?
We cut every tile custom for you! All Sales are Final